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Northern Area Office Takes a Plunge for Charity

March 27, 2024

Some of Legal Aid Saskatchewan’s bravest and most determined folks braved the cold waters of Lac La Ronge and took part in the annual fundraiser Men of the North Polar Bear Plunge this past weekend!

Not only did Susan Ryan, Frances Stoneham, Tyler Joorisity and Courtney Wood score perfect 10s for their jump into the icy lake, but they also raised a whopping $700 for the two charities involved. Men of the North is a group that helps and encourages men to seek lasting positive mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Children North is an early intervention program for children focusing on family and mental health support.

According to Men of the North, “The polar bear plunge is a powerful reminder of the strength we have within us to overcome challenges, including those related to mental health.”

Way to go Susan, Frances, Tyler, and Courtney, and job well done! 
