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LAS Employees Walk in Support of FASD Awareness

September 13, 2024

Tyne Hagey, Legal Director of the Regina City Area Office, and Jody Oakes, Gladue Services Coordinator

On Monday, September 9 – International FASD Awareness Day – the FASD Network of Saskatchewan hosted public walks in both Saskatoon and Regina. The purpose of these events was to raise awareness about the effects of FASD, to highlight prevention, and provide advocacy and support to individuals living with its effects.

Tyne Hagey, Legal Director of the Regina City Area Office, and Jody Oakes, Gladue Services Coordinator, attended the walk in Regina. It was a beautiful, windy day with a large crowd of people walking in support of the cause!

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the umbrella term used to describe the range of impairments and disabilities (physical, cognitive, behavioural and sensory) caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. People with FASD have permanent brain injuries. In Saskatchewan, approximately one in 100 people are affected (“Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Guide to Awareness and Understanding” by the FASD Network of Saskatchewan).

The FASD Network of Saskatchewan is a provincial organization that works with families, children, and adults affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. They are hosting a series of Lunch and Learns in the coming weeks: La Ronge (September 20), Estevan (September 25), Regina (October 10) and Saskatoon (November 13). Visit for more information.
