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Court of King’s Bench La Ronge Presentation Ceremony

Sukhchain Singh, Morgan Blyth, Elise Burgert and Tyler Joorisity at the La Ronge Court of King's Bench Presentation Ceremony. The Court of King’s Bench presentation ceremony for newly admitted lawyers took place in La Ronge on Friday, September 6, 2024. With friends and family attending both in person and via Webex, Morgan Blyth, Legal Aid […]

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LAS Employees Walk in Support of FASD Awareness

Tyne Hagey, Legal Director of the Regina City Area Office, and Jody Oakes, Gladue Services Coordinator On Monday, September 9 – International FASD Awareness Day – the FASD Network of Saskatchewan hosted public walks in both Saskatoon and Regina. The purpose of these events was to raise awareness about the effects of FASD, to highlight […]

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LAS Lawyer Voted Best in Regina

It’s official – Cloudesley Hobbs of Legal Aid Saskatchewan's Regina City Area Office has been voted Best Lawyer and Best Criminal Law Lawyer in the 2024 Community Votes Regina annual recognition awards! This is not the first time he has been recognized in the Community Votes awards. Cloudesley was voted Best Lawyer in 2021, and […]

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